
Showing posts from August, 2017

8 Essential Workout Supplements!!

            8 Essential Workout Supplements It’s true: most of the nutrients your body needs to fuel your workouts, recover and repair – to really build your best physique – should come directly from your diet. In other words, from the delicious, nutrient-dense, whole foods that you eat every day. But even though this is true, times have changed… No longer do we live in the pristine environment of our ancestors, the modern world introduces us to a host of nutritional issues: environmental pollution and toxins, soil depletion and water depletion – the result being that the food we eat today, isn’t as nutrient-dense as it used to be. Add to this the fact that intense exercise requires more nutrients, and supplements start to make a lot more sense. Still, the food you eat should be your main source of nutrients. To put a new twist on an old saying: you can’t out supplement a bad diet. So before you even step into the supplement realm, make sure you’ve got your diet in ch